About Us

About Us

Life changes over time, and so do financial markets.

Soon after our founding in 1997, the tech bubble burst kicking-off a 52% decline in the S&P 500. We saw first-hand how protracted market declines caused financial and emotional devastation that resulted in major alterations of plans and dreams. Our mission sought to find ways to pursue strong risk-adjusted returns across dynamically changing market conditions.

Risk-adjusted returns are optimized through our three pillars: portfolio protection, lower taxes, and higher income. Portfolio protection is about losing less when markets are down; lowering taxes are paramount when markets are up; income is essential to implement a wealth plan that evolves with needs.

We combine our qualitative expertise built over 25 years with an advanced technology platform that drives objectivity. We do not allow ourselves to be bound by rules of thumb, biases, or habit.

Our clients experience a boutique level of client engagement. We are so proud of how our Discovery Meeting process integrates psychological insights with cash flow analysis. The resulting plan guides how we build a customized portfolio. A prospective client experiences our process and sees our recommendations before we mutually agree to work together and sign an advisory agreement. This is confidence.